US Supreme Court to Rule on Passport Issue
Lesson Brief
On November 2, NRG reported on the upcoming US Supreme Court case involving a 12 year old boy who was born in Jerusalem. His parents want to list Israel under the country of origin slot on his passport, but while a law was passed in 2002 allowing American citizens born in Jerusalem to list Israel accordingly, the law has not been enforced.
Click and Match
- to tread, trample
- לדשדש, מדשדש
- the Supreme Court
- בית המשפט העליון
- to nickname, designate
- לכנות, מכנה
- to enforce the law
- לאכוף את החוק, אוכף
- to request to register
- לבקש לרשום, מבקש
- Jerusalem native
- יליד ירושלים
- to expect a ruling (law)
- לצפות לפסיקה, מצפה
- claim, lawsuit
- תביעה
- to maintain, opine
- לגרוס, גורס
- the government policy
- מדיניות הממשל