Turkish parliament ratifies reconciliation agreement with Israel
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On August 20, BBC Arabic reported that the Turkish Parliament ratified an agreement to normalize relations with Israel, which had been severely impacted by the 2010 Gaza flotilla incident in which Turkish citizens were killed while Israel forces stormed the ship. As part of the agreement, Israel will pay $20 million to the families of the victims and both countries will initiate steps to exchange ambassadors once again.
Click and Match
- normalizing relations
- تطبيع العلاقات
- activists
- ناشطون
- the failed coup
- الانقلاب الفاشل
- relations that were severed
- علاقات التي قطعت
- in the wake of
- في أعقاب
- the agreement stipulates
- ينص الاتفاق
- resumption of relations
- استئناف العلاقات
- compensation for victims
- تعويضا للضحايا
- easing the naval blockade
- تخفيف الحصار البحري
- state of emergency
- حالة الطوارئ