Trump’s wall
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On Wednesday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump flew to Mexico to meet with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. During a joint press conference, Trump briefly touched on the wall he has discussed building on the US-Mexican border; however, he did not follow on his previous inflammatory statements that Mexico would pay for it. President Peña Nieto was strongly criticized in his country for taking the meeting with Trump after his wall comments and labeling of illegal immigrants as rapists and murderers. During the press conference, the Mexican president reiterated that illegal immigration to the US reached its peak 10 years ago and has been steadily declining since then.
The flashcards in this set cover both the article and the attached video.
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- criminals
- ُدَفَعَ ، يَدْفَع
- the cost of its construction
- its southern neighbor
- لاستدراك
- جارتها الجنوبية
- to pay
- اِنْتَقَدَ بشدة ، يَنْتَقِدُ بشدة
- الهجرة السرية
- (here) illegal immigration
- to defend, advocate
- securing the border
- to harshly criticize
- دَافَعَ عن ، يُدَافِعُ عن
- تَدَفُّق الأموال
- flow of money
- تأمين الحدود
- مجرمين
- to rectify
- كلفة بنائه