Syria Resumes Destruction of Chemical Weapons Facilities
Lesson Brief
An Nahar
On January 20, An Nahar reported that the Syrian government has recommenced with the destruction of its chemical weapons facilities and depots. The destruction process, which began after threats of U.S. strikes in Syria following the government's use of chemical weapons against civilians, has been delayed on multiple occasions. Recently, poor weather and winter storms have slowed the effort. Meanwhile, Russia has reaffirmed its effort to find a political solution to the Syrian civil war through a local-to-broader plan of action, building upon small-scale truce agreements. Moscow continues to support a political scenario that would keep PResident Bashar al-Assad in power.
Click and Match
- beneficial
- مفيد
- settling, compromising
- تسوية
- producing, production
- انتاج
- storing
- تخزين
- throughout, all across (an area)
- في أرجاء
- some technical issues (questions)
- بعض المسائل التقنية
- to kill
- أَوْقَعَ ، يُوقِعُ قتلى
- to close, to lock up
- أقْفَلَ ، يُقْفِلُ
- heavy machine guns
- رشاشات ثقيلة
- ban, prohibition
- حظر