Saudi Arabia is the World’s No. 1 Weapons Importer
Lesson Brief
Al Watan
On March 9, various media outlets reported on a IHS report that Saudi Arabia has surpassed India as the world's number one weapons and defense equipment importer in 2014. Saudia Arabian defense imports dramatically increased in 2014 and the trend is expected to continue through 2015.
This set features a number of interchangeable Arabic words and verbs.
To top, lead and To occupy (a position on a list)
تَصَدَّرَ في , يَتَصَدَّرُ في AND ُاِحْتَلَّ, يَحْتَل
لَائِحَة OR قائمة
تجهيزات OR مُعَدَّات
Click and Match
- sales
- مَبِيعَات
- difficulties
- صُعُوبات
- (here) to decline
- ُتَرَاجَعَ, يَتَرَاجَع
- customers
- زَبَائِن
- to occupy
- ُاِحْتَلَّ, يَحْتَل
- defense equipment
- مُعَدَّات دِفَاعِيَّة
- the emerging economies
- الاقتصادات الناشئة
- to pay
- ُدَفَعَ, يَدْفَع
- to become
- ُأَصْبَحَ, يُصْبِح
- to impose on (sanctions)
- فَرَضَ على, يَفْرُضُ على