Sadiq Khan becomes London’s first Muslim mayor
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On May 7, BBC Arabic reported on the election of London's first Muslim Mayor, Sadiq Khan. Khan, a lawyer specializing in human rights, is a member of the opposition Labor Party, which beat out the Conservative Party in this election. During his election speech, Khan emphasized that his victory represented the triumph of hope over fear, and stated that the politics of fear are unwelcome in London. Following his victory announcement, Khan was congratulated by other mayors from around the world and he also pledged that he would represent all Londoners.
Additional Vocabulary:
بلدية | municipality, township | ُوَفَّرَ ، يُوَفِّر | to provide |
فوزه يعني | his victory means | شخص مثله | a person like him |
الحزب الحاكم | the ruling party | غير مرحب | unwelcome |
عائلة بسيطة | simple family | الجيل الثاني | the second generation |
كانت تعيش في | it lived in (f) | تهنئة | congratulations |
سكن | housing | المدن المتنوعة | diversified cities |
Click and Match
- the local council
- المجلس المحلي
- religious aspects
- الجوانب الدينية
- election
- انتخاب
- to obtain, receive
- حَصَلَ على ، يَحْصُلُ على
- the election campaign
- الحملة الانتخابية
- leader(s)
- زعيم ، زعماء
- bus driver
- سَائِق حافلات
- to strengthen
- ُعَزَّزَ ، يُعَزِّز
- to follow, succeed
- ُخَلَفَ ، يَخْلُف
- to be congratulated
- تَلَقَّى التهاني ، يَتَلَقَّى التهاني