Russia will not have a permanent base in Iran
Lesson Brief
The Huffington Post Arabic
On August 17, The Huffington Post Arabic reported that Iran refuted claims that Russia would have a permanent military air base in Iran. The matter arose after Russia announced that it had launched airstrikes in Syria from an Iranian airbase, raising regional fears that Russia was exerting its influence even more in the region. The flashcards contain vocabulary from both the article and the attached video.
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- striking
- توجيه ضربات
- regional issues
- القضايا الإقليمية
- its military capabilities
- قدراتها العسكرية
- to bomb targets
- قَصَفَ أهدافاً ، يَقْصِفُ أهدافاً
- to notify
- ُأَخْطَرَ ، يُخْطِر
- (here) to share
- تَقَاسَمَ مع ، يَتَقَاسَمُ مع
- Defense Ministry
- وزارة الدفاع
- without directly addressing
- دون التطرق مباشرةً
- deepening cooperation
- تعميق التعاون
- imposed sanctions
- العقوبات المفروضة