Real Life Arabic: How To Change A Flat Tire
Lesson Brief
One of the most common complaints students of Arabic voice after leaving college or spending time in the region is that they lack the skills they need for real life scenarios such as "pass the salt" or in this case "how to change a flat tire." In this set, Foreigncy will teach you the essential vocabulary from a how to article on changing a flat tire that will present you with some new Arabic terms and other roots that have been adapted for modern technical words.
The attached video is a great instructional guide with slow audio so you can follow what the narrator is saying. They don't really get into the how to part until the 2 minute marker, so go ahead and skip forward.
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- manual transmission
- ناقل الحركة اليدوي
- carefully
- بحذر
- correct and safe steps
- خطوات صحيحة وآمنة
- to pull the hand brake
- جذب مكابح اليد, يَجْذِبُ مكابح اليد
- hard spot
- بقعة صلبة
- fixing in place, installing
- تثبيت
- a flat area
- مكان مستوى السطح
- car accidents
- حوادث الطرق
- dealing with
- التعامل مع
- the emergency triangle
- المثلث الضوئى