Part I: The Dimona Reactor
Lesson Brief
On April 27, Maariv reported on a recent scientific forum in which scientists found 1,537 defects in the core of the outdated Dimona reactor in southern Israel. Some scientists and politicians have called for a thorough investigation of the defects, demanding action before a disaster occurs. The article noted that the reactor is still operational and poses no immediate threat but that a long-term solution was needed. The attached news clip reports on this story and also interviews former Israeli scientists on their thoughts.
Part I of this set will take you through the first paragraph of the news article.
Part II
Click and Match
- scientists presented
- הִצִּיגוּ מַדְעָנִים
- (here) coated with concrete
- מְצוּפֶּה בֶּטוֹן
- I'm troubled
- אֲנִי מוּטרָד
- (here) to indicate
- לְהַעִיד עַל
- they (m) demand to discuss
- הֵם דּוֹרְשִׁים לָדוּן
- the outdated reactor
- הכּוּר המְיוּשָׁן
- reactor core
- לִיבַּת הכּוּר
- defect(s)
- לִיקוּי , לִיקוּיִים
- a thorough investigation
- בֵּירוּר מַעֲמִיק
- a disaster will occur
- יִתְרָחֵשׁ אָסוֹן