Orthodoxy Is Unleashed into Georgian Schools
Lesson Brief
Religious teaching is slowly creeping deeper into the Georgian school system. While it is not a specific subject taught in school, religion is taught in culture classes. However, there are some people who are worried that religion and education are becoming too closely linked.
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- comment
- отзыв
- oppression
- притеснение
- (colloquial) to unleash, to incite (someone) onto
- напускать, напустить на что-нибудь
- remarkably
- примечательно
- general education (adj.)
- общеобразовательный
- chapel
- часовня
- stormy, turbulent, rough
- бурный
- introduction of
- внедрениe чего-нибудь
- no wonder (adv.)
- немудрено
- to answer, to respond (to a call or challenge)
- откликаться, откликнуться на чём-нибудь