Obama Interview on Iranian Deal
Lesson Brief
On April 6th, Ynet reported on thes interview Obama granted to the New York Times concerning his doctrine on the Iran deal. Obama emphasized that America has always and continues to support Israel and will step in to defend it should the need arise, and that the deal being formulated with Iran will not harm Israel's military advantage. He continued on to explain how he views the Iranian people and their willingness to endure for their national pride and that the present deal is the most effective way to prevent Iran from gaining a nuclear weapon.
In this set, לענות בחיוב means "to answer yes" but literally can be understood as "to answer in the affirmative". Also is the use of the phrase חומר בקיע which means "fissile material" an important phrase to become familiar with regarding coverage of the Iranian nuclear program. Also, this article uses גישה in two different manners: "access" and "approach".
Click and Match
- (here) to setback
- להסיג, מסיג
- to spur, encourage
- לדרבן, מדרבן
- to surrender
- להיכנע, נכנע
- to be of a different opinion
- סבור אחרת
- to demonstrate willingness
- להפגין נכונות, מפגין
- to deny the Holocaust
- להכחיש את השואה, מכחיש
- directed towards
- מכוון
- to deceive
- לרמות, מרמה
- (here) venomous
- ארסי
- sophisticated
- מתוחכם