Marshall Plan 2.0 – Ukraine Style
Lesson Brief
Reports coming out of Germany are reporting that the German parliament is putting together a new "Marshall Plan" for Ukraine in order to help support the country and rebuild its broken institutions and industrial base. Exact details haven't been released, but it is thought that it'll be separate from the Association Agreement and will have the same goal as the American Marshall Plan after World War II.
Click and Match
- loss (n.)
- потеря
- self-proclaimed
- самопровозглашённый
- recovery, restoration, rebuilding
- восстановление
- to develop, to work out, design
- разрабатывать, разработать что-то
- publication
- издание
- development, growth, evolution
- развитие
- elimination, removal
- устранение
- impudently, inappropriately
- беззастенчиво
- to cover, to comprise (of), to embrace
- охватывать, охватить кого-то, что-то
- to refute, to disprove, to contradict
- опровергать, опровергнуть чего-то