Maria Gaidar Appointed Deputy Governor of Odessa
Lesson Brief
Корреспондент -Украина
Maria Gaidar, a Russian journalist, political activist, and public figure, as been named deputy governor of Odessa. Besides her work with notable opposition activists Boris Nemtsov and Alexei Navalny, Gaidar previously worked in local government in the Kirov region of Russia. She is also the daughter of famous Soviet politician Yegor Gaidar, the architect of the economic reforms of the late 1980s and early 1990s.
-The video for this article demonstrates the intelligibility between Russian and Ukrainian. Maria Gaidar speaks in Russian, while the host speaks in Ukrainian.
Click and Match
- public figure
- общественный деятель
- regional administration
- обладминистрация
- property
- достояние
- drummer
- барабанщик
- genealogy. pedigree, lineage
- родословие
- to untie, to unleash (a war)
- развязывать, развязать
- other (adj.)
- прочий
- origin, descent (as in, ancestry)
- происхождение
- clarity, clearness
- ясность
- to please, to cater (to)
- угождать, угодить