Latvia Begins Construction on Fence on Russian Border
Lesson Brief
Construction has started on a fence on the Latvian-Russian border in order to stem the flow of illegal migrants to Latvia, according to the Latvian government. There have also been reports that a fence will be erected to the Estonian border, and beyond; however, this was denied.
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- effort, exertion, endeavour
- усилие
- to proceed, to initiate
- приступать, приступить
- chief, head, director
- начальник
- видеонаблюдение
- completed (neuter)
- завершено
- to specify, to make more clear, to make more precise
- уточнять, уточнить
- to refute, to rebut, to disporve
- опровергать, опровергнуть
- building up, erection (n.)
- возведение
- fencing, boom
- заграждение
- anti-migrant (adj.)
- антимигрантский