Kolomoisky Speaks at Rally
Lesson Brief
BBC Russian Service
Dnipropetrovsk regional governor and Ukrainian oligarch, Igor Kolomoisky, was forced to resign from his position this week. President Poroshenko accepted the resignation. Despite everything looking amicable at the press conference, behind the scenes there is more going on. Many say this sacking could be the beginning of Kiev's crackdown on the oligarchs, in attempt to clean up the country's politics and corruption.
-Grammatically, pay attention to the use of participles and reflexive verbs (-ся).
Click and Match
- to be expected
- ожидаться
- protege, sidekick, henchman
- ставленник
- frontline
- прифронтовый
- to defend oneself
- защищаться, защититься
- unity
- единство
- imprint, mark, stamp
- отпечатка
- tranquility, peace
- спокойствие
- collision, crash, conflict, encounter
- столкновение
- gone, left (adj.)
- ушедший
- powerful, mighty
- могущественный