Jordan Stresses Importance of Tourism in Economy
Lesson Brief
Al Hayat
On July 30, Al Hayat reported that Jordan's tourism sector accounts for 14 percent of the country's GDP (about USD 4.3 billion). According to the Jordanian government, tourism currently provides direct employment to 180,000 citizens and indirect employment to a further 350,000. According to government figures, approximately four million tourist head to Jordan every year to visit some of the proclaimed 28,000 historical sites in the country.
Click and Match
- amusement, recreation, entertainment
- ترفيه
- to provide
- وَفَّرَ ، يُوَفِّرُ
- to contribute, (here) to account for
- ساهَمَ ، يُساهِمُ به
- outlines
- خطوط عريضة
- (here) to secure, to provide
- أَمَّنَ ، يُؤَمِّنُ
- historical site
- موقع أثري
- right and proper
- صحيح وآمن
- able to, capable of
- قادر على
- (which was) held in, convened in
- المنعقد في
- (here) income, revenue
- دخل