Jerusalem is older than you thought
Lesson Brief
On February 18, Ynet reported that archeologists in Israel uncovered a 7,000-year-old settlement in northern Jerusalem from the Chalcolithic period. According to archeologists, the finding of homes, tools, and pottery indicates that there was an established settlement in the city at the time.
Click and Match
- existence
- קִיוּם
- established settlement
- יִישׁוּב מְבוּסָס
- bore, drill
- מַקדֵחַ
- road paving
- סְלִילָת כְּבִישׁ
- excavation(s)
- חֲפִירָה , חֲפִירוֹת
- long spike
- מַרצֵעַ
- to harvest grains
- לִקצוֹר דְגָנִים , קוֹצֵר דְגָנִים
- sickle blades
- לְהָבֵי מַגָל
- a polished axe
- גַרזֶן מְלוּטָשׁ
- to be discovered / was discovered (m)
- לְהִתְגַּלּוֹת , מִתְגַּלֶּה / הִתְגַּלָּה