Israeli Border on Alert Following ISIS Sinai Attack
Lesson Brief
On July 1, NRG reported that Israeli border forces were put on high alert following the deadly ISIS affiliate attack in the Egyptian Sinai that killed over 50 Egyptian soldiers and may have kidnapped others. The article reported that a special Israeli unit had been sent to the border to subdue any potential ISIS attack.
This article deals with intermediate Hebrew vocabulary, but important security terms. The attached video is an in-depth security analysis of the situation in Sinai.
Click and Match
- to increase alertness
- to curb
- לעודד את, מעודד את
- חקלאי
- גדוד
- to encourage
- the armed forces
- dismissively, contemptuously
- רובים וקליעים
- rifles and bullets
- agricultural
- להגביר עירנות, מגביר עירנות
- battalion
- הכוחות החמושים
- הנחישות לעקור את
- special military unit
- יחידה צבאית מיוחדת
- לבלום את, בולם את
- בזלזול
- the determination to root out