Iraqi Kurds To Sell Parts of Power Sector
Lesson Brief
On January 16, Annahar reported that the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), in northern Iraq, announced that it may sell parts of its power sector to plug the budget deficit caused by dropping oil prices. According to the Kurdish Deputy Prime Minister, the KRG is also working with the private sector to turn over some elements of the electricity sector.
Additional Vocabulary:
قال ، يَقُولُ / قَوْل | To say / statement |
سِعْر ، أسعار | Price(s) |
أضاف ، يُضيفُ / إضافة | To add / addition |
عاصمة، عواصم | Capital(s) |
أيضاً | also |
أَصْل ، أُصُول | Asset(s) |
سَيَّلَ ، يُسَيِّل / تسييل | To liquidate / liquidating |
أساسي | Basic, essential |
تفصيل ، تفاصيل | Detail(s) |
تحت أي | Under any |
فاتورة ، فواتير | Bill(s) |
عُنْصُر ، عناصر | Element(s) |
Click and Match
- part(s)
- جزء ، أجزاء
- to sell / sale
- باعَ ، يَبِيع / بَيْع
- Deputy Prime Minister
- نائب رئيس وزراء
- oil prices
- أسعار النفط
- to cause
- سبَّب ، يسبَّب
- region(s)
- إقليم ، أقاليم
- in accordance with
- بموجب
- to produce / production
- أَنْتَجَ ، يُنْتِج / إنتاج
- liquidating assets
- تسييل أصول
- the private sector
- القطاع الخاص