Iraq Struggling to Accomodate Displaced Students
Lesson Brief
Al Sumaria
The general secretariat of the Iraqi government cabinet asked the ministry of education to make efforts to accommodate the country's many displaced students. The body stressed the need to find appropriate schools for the displaced as well as to provide them with books and stationery supplies.
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- high-level
- عالي المُسْتَوَى
- (here) command center
- غُرْفَةُ العَمَليات
- facilitating
- تَسْهيل
- general secretariat
- الأمانَة العامَّة
- reviewing
- مُراجَعَة
- the designated time
- المَوْعِد المُحَدِّد
- participating
- اِشْتَراك
- ministry of education
- وِزارَة التَّرْبية
- central command
- قيادَةُ العَمَليات
- it has been pointed out that
- يُشار الى أن