Iraq – Iran Rift Develops Over Arbaeen
Lesson Brief
Sky News Arabia
On December 2, Sky News Arabia reported that Iraq has blamed Iran for the storming of a border crossing by half a million Shiite pilgrims on their way to Karbala to commemorate the Shiite holiday of Arabeen. Iraq says that the border breach was a deliberate move by Iran to violate the country's sovereignty and noted that Iraqi border forces refrained from exercising their right to use force against the massive influx of illegal border crossers.
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- to allow them
- للسماح لهم
- storming, breaching
- إقتحام
- without visas
- من دون تأشيرات
- a violation of Iraqi sovereignty
- انتهاك للسيادة العراقية
- The use of force
- استخدام القوة
- to accuse
- اِتَّهَمَ ، يَتَّهِم
- individual(s) , member(s)
- فَرْد ، أفراد
- to refrain from
- اِمْتَنَعَ عن ، يَمْتَنِع عن
- to result in
- أَسْفَرَ عن ، يُسْفِر عن
- to carry the responsibility
- حمل المسؤولية ، يَحْمِل