How to Prepare Lebanese Tabbouleh
Lesson Brief
In this set you will learn all the critical food vocabulary needed to know how to prepare the Lebanese tabbouleh. The set uses some unique colloqualisms and regional vocabulary for foods. While watching the video, pay attention to the subtle and not so subtle differneces in the Lebanese pronunciation of words.
Bon Appetit!
Click and Match
- chop the parsley
- فَرَمَ , يَفْرِم
- including the following
- نُذَكِّر مِنْهَا مَا يَلِي
- slice(s)
- شريحة, شرائح
- bunches of parsley
- ضَمَّات من البقدونس
- dish(es)
- الطَّبَق , الاطباق
- tomato
- البندورة or طماطم
- lettuce leaves, romaine lettuce
- ّاوراق اَلْخَس
- preparing
- تَحْضِير
- salt
- اَلْمِلْح
- cup (measurement)
- كُوب