Hezbollah Leader Discusses Hamas Relations, Israel
Lesson Brief
Maan News
On January 15, Maan News summarized certain parts of Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah's recent interview with Al Mayadin. The article focused on Nasrallah's comments about Hamas, which has had a falling out with Hezbollah since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war. Nasrallah claimed that there are leaders in Hamas who want to re-establish close relations with Hezbollah . Nasrallah also said that the "resistance axis" reserves the right to respond to and engage Israel at any time. The article also provides a transcript of the entire extended interview.
Click and Match
- axis , axes
- محور ، محاور
- it was restored
- تم ترميمها
- copy, version
- نسخة
- bilateral relationship
- العلاقة الثنائية
- any new Israeli aggression
- أي عدوان إسرائيلي جديد
- to be obligated to (committed to)
- الْتَزَمَ ، يَلْتَزِمُ بِه
- re-arranging, re-organizing
- إعادة ترتيب
- apart from, separate from
- بمعزل عن
- to obtain
- حَصَلَ ، يَحْصَلُ على
- like it was before
- مشابه لما سبقه