Hamas Commander Said to Survive Airstrike
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On August 20, BBC Arabic reported that Hamas' announcement that the the commander of the Ezzeddine Brigades, the group's military wing, Mohammed al-Daif has survived an Israeli airstrike that caused the death of his wife and son. Hamas supporters have vowed revenge and warned of action against Israel's airport.
Click and Match
- to host
- اِسْتَضافَ ، يَسْتَضيفُ
- to lighten, lessen
- خَفَّفَ ، يُخَفِّفُ
- golden opportunity
- فُرْصَة ذَهَبِيَّة
- funeral procession
- تَشْييع جَنازَة
- Ezzeddine al-Qassam Brigades
- كَتائِب عِزّ الدّين القَسام
- (funeral) mourners
- مُشَيِّعين
- total deaths
- إِجْمالي القَتْلَى
- toward
- تُجاه
- to pull out of the talks
- اِنْسَحَبَ ، يَنْسَحِبُ مِن مُحادَثات
- ceasefire agreement
- اِتِّفاق لِوَقْفِ إِطْلاقِ النّار