Gulf Countries to Remain China’s No. 1 Oil Supplier
Lesson Brief
Al Sharq Al Awsat
On August 31, Al Sharq Al Awsat, citing a recent Chinese study, reported that Gulf states are to remain China's number one oil provider. This information comes in light of a new deal struck between China's Sinopec and Kuwait's Kuwait Petroleum Corporation among China's other energy interests in the region.
Click and Match
- signed, sealed, completed
- مُبْرَم
- refinery
- مِصْفَاة
- to consider, to view as
- عَدَّ ، يَعُدُ
- to possess, to own
- اِمْتَلَكَ ، يَمْتَلِك
- to hesitate
- تَرَدَّدَ ، يَتَرَدَّد
- oil exporting states
- الدُوَّل المُصَدِّرَة للنَّفْط
- the current (formal) agreement
- الاِتِفَاقِيَة الرَّاهِنَة
- large quantities
- كَمِيَات كَبِيرَة
- for example
- على سَبِيل المِثَال
- consumer-oriented economy
- اِقْتِصَاد مُوَجَّه على المُسْتَهْلِك