French Bishops Call for Use of Force in Iraq
Lesson Brief
An Nahar
In response to the killing and forced migration of thousands of Christians, French bishops called for the use of force to protect Iraq's minorities. These statements stand in stark contrast to the Catholic Church's standard creed of non-violence and highlight the global outcry against ISIS' campaign in Iraq.
Click and Match
- to endorse, to sanction
- اِعْتَمَدَ ، يَعْتَمِدُ
- to be forced
- اِضْطَرَّ ، يَضْطِرُّ
- to praise
- اَشادَ ، يُشيدُ بِه
- and in response to
- وَرَدًّا عَلَى
- therefore, as a consequence
- بِالتّالي
- intervention is necessary
- يَجِب التَّدَخُّل
- non-violence
- اللّاعُنْف
- justifying that on account of
- مُعَلِّلًا ذلك بِه
- regarding, concerning
- اِزاء
- file, dossier
- مَلَف