Euro-parliament Sees Threats of “Putinization” in Poland
Lesson Brief
Recently Europe has seen a rise to different types of fringe groups and parties. In Hungary, we've seen the rise of Viktor Orban's Fidesz party, and in Poland we just saw the rise of a new government that is trying to restrict the state media. With the passing of the law restricting the state media, there are comments that we are seeing a "Putinization" of European countries.
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- to contradict, to disagree
- противоречить
- justice, equity, fairness
- справедливость
- to introduce, to bring/usher in
- вводить, ввести
- violation, breach, infringement
- нарушение
- to resort to (with "к")
- прибегать, прибегнуть
- to call on, to invoke, to summon
- призывать, призвать
- to foresee, to provide (for)
- предусматривать, предусмотреть
- well-being
- благополучие
- angry, wrathful
- гневный
- to come into force (a law)
- вступать, вступить в силу