Eid al-Fitr Shopping in Najaf
Lesson Brief
Al Sumaria
On July 16, Al Sumaria News reported on the shopping scene in Najaf, Iraq on the night before Eid al-Fitr, the Islamic holiday marking the end of Ramadan. Eid al-Fitr shopping generally includes food items for a large feast as well as other commercial merchandise, in particular clothes. Najaf and other majority-Shiite areas have frequently witnessed acts of terrorism throughout Ramadan, but this year shoppers interviewed claimed that the security situation in Najaf has improved, which has had a positive effect of commercial activity.
Click and Match
- to reinvigorate, to revitalize
- أَنْعَشَ ، يُنْعِشُ
- to see (colloquial)
- شاف ، يشوف
- above average
- فوق المتوسط
- security, safety
- امان
- three or four thousand (colloquial)
- تلث تالاف اربع تالاف
- purchasing power
- القدرة الشرائية
- families
- عوائل
- they have been coming in (entering, arriving) (colloquial)
- يجون يدخلون
- high temperatures
- درجات الحرارة المرتفعة
- to enjoy, to have at one's disposal
- تَمَتَّعَ ، يَتَمَتَّعُ به