Egyptian station stops broadcasting Hezbollah’s Al Manar
Lesson Brief
CNN Arabic
On April 6, CNN Arabic reported that an Egyptian satellite station ceased broadcasting content from Hezbollah-owned satellite station Al Manar, stating that its programs were inciting sectarianism and that the station was in breach of contract. The step joined a series of measures taken against the Lebanese terrorist/political organization recently, including a decision by the Arab League to define Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.
Click and Match
- sectarian strife
- النعرات الطائفية
- coincidence, concurrence
- تَزَامُن
- blocking procedures, censorship
- إجراءات الحجب
- it tried to obtain, tries (f)
- ُحَاوَلَتْ الحصول على ، تُحَاوِل
- discord
- الفِتَن
- the group at fault
- الفريق المخطئ
- other satellites
- أقمار أُخْرَى
- program(s)
- برنامج ، برامج
- to put foward
- ُطَرَحَتْ ، تَطْرَح
- clear tensions
- تَوَتُّرَات واضحة