Eastern Arabic Colloquium: Snobby and Sleazy
Lesson Brief
In this lesson, Foreigncy focuses on colloquial Arabic to provide you with some vocabulary, general tips, and instruction. The video is a funny little clip of a young Syrian woman telling her driver that she is too good for him. Please remember, when you go through the below set, listen to the video FIRST, then go through the vocabulary until you are comfortable with it, then listen to the video again. Do not read the video transcription. I promise you will understand it better the second time around, and even better each subsequent time. As you continue to go through it, ALWAYS STUDY THE FLASHCARDS OUT LOUD.
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- on that note, in this regard, come to think of it
- على الفكرة
- you're gunna see, you'll see (masc.)
- رَحِ تْشوف
- really, seriously (emphasizer)
- والله
- rude
- وقح
- imagine, you're thinking
- متخيل
- likable, nice, of a gentle class
- كربوج ، كرابيج
- always, sometime in your life, never (with negative)
- بحياتك
- that (clause marker)
- اِنُّه
- someone like you
- واحد مثلك
- girl
- بنت