Domestic Workers’ Rights in the UAE Violated
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
BBC Arabic, citing a recent Human Rights Watch report, reported that domestic workers in the UAE routinely suffer from human rights abuses. Some of those interviewed for the report claimed they were hit, slapped, kicked, abused emotionally, raped, had their passports confiscated, and denied food and wages.
Click and Match
- to detail
- فَصَّلَ ، يُفَصِّلُ
- lessening, being short (money)
- انتقاص
- domestic workers (labor force)
- العمالة المنزلية
- to complain
- اشْتَكَى ، يَشْتَكي
- employer (of a maid)
- مخدوم
- employer
- مُسْتَخْدِم
- to rape
- اغْتصَبَ ، يَغْتَصِبُ
- stick
- عَصا
- (acts of) emotional abuse
- انتهاكات عاطفية
- to question, interrogate
- اسْتَجْوَبَ ، يَسْتَجْوِبُ