Clinton Would Have to Listen Carefully to Russian-Americans
Lesson Brief
As the government and intelligence services probe the hack on the DNC e-mail server, it sounds as though Russian government hackers are behind the event. However, not everyone thinks that the ultimate source of the attack was Moscow. According to some Russian sources (take them with a grain of salt), it's possible that it wasn't Moscow and that the hackers simply made it look that way. The article does assert that Trump is the preferred candidate for Moscow over Clinton.
Matt (Wednesday)
Click and Match
- voter
- избиратель
- to focus (on), to turn to (impt: to be concentrated)
- сосредоточиваться, сосредоточиться на чём-нибудь
- coordination
- увязка
- indirectly, obliquely
- косвенно
- bad luck, failure
- неудача
- to break open, to force open, to hack
- взламывать, взломать
- extremely
- крайне
- indifferent, apathetic
- безразличный
- to intervene, to interfere
- вмешаться, вмешаться в что-нибудь
- hostile, enemy (adj.)
- враждебный