Climate change threatens snow leapards
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
On October 29, BBC Arabic reported that snow leopards face an increased threat in climate change, which is destroying their habitats and way of life. The snow leopard was placed on the endangered species list in 1972. The attached video deals with global warming and climate change generally and the initiatives to help control or limit its effects.
Click and Match
- coexisting with
- التعايش مع
- to increase the threats
- زَادَ التهديدات، يَزِيد
- human takeover
- استيلاء البشر
- rise in the earth's temperature
- ارتفاع درجات حرارة الأرض
- (here) their bodies
- أجسامها
- other factors
- عوامل أُخْرَى
- habitat
- موطن حياة
- the most beautiful of the big cats
- أجمل القطط الكبيرة
- the plants and trees
- النباتات والأشجار
- to weaken
- ضَعُفَ مِن، يَضْعُف من