Bulgarian Elections: A Vote between the West and the East?
Lesson Brief
Российская газета
Bulgarians went to the polls on Sunday to elect a new president and vice-president. The presidential post in Bulgaria is largely ceremonial; however, the two candidates cannot be more opposite. The vote will be a referendum on the feelings of the country: a populous more committed to Euro-integration, or one that prefers a more independent foreign policy (and with closer relations to Moscow).
Click and Match
- employee, collaborator
- сотрудник
- higher, supreme, top
- высший
- cooling, chilling
- охлаждение
- powers
- полномочия
- soon, shortly
- вскоре
- mandatory, compulsory, required
- обязательный
- to possess, to have, to own
- обладать чем-нибудь
- to hasten, to rush
- спешить, поспешить
- ballot, bulletin
- бюллетень
- to perform, to carry out
- выполнять, выполнить что-нибудь