Audio Drill: The effects of Hurricane Matthew
Lesson Brief
On October 8, Al Jazeera reported on the wake of destruction that Hurricane Matthew left behind in Haiti on its way to Florida. The Class 4 hurricane destroyed hundreds of homes and much of the country's infrastructure, raising fears among local authorities of the outbreak of disease, particularly cholera. By clicking Read the Article, you can view the attached video with Arabic subtitles.
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- lack of health services
- نقص الخدمات الصحية
- to live
- ُعَاشَ ، يَعِيش
- helping those affected
- مساعدة المتضررين
- outlying areas
- المناطق النائية
- its strength, power
- قوته
- memories
- ذكريات
- great concern, worry
- قلق كبير
- cutout
- انقطاع
- after good water sources were damaged
- بعد تلف مصادر مياة الجيدة
- a violent earthquake
- زلزال عنيف