America Claims to Buy Israel Time With Iran Deal
Lesson Brief
On April 13th, NRG reported on the public dispute between Israel and the United States. Wendy Sherman, the Under Secretary of State, clarified that the current deal will buy Israel and other U.S. friends time to act and do what they deem right should Iran be deceitful. She believes that this deal has advantages that distances Iran's breakout ability but agreed that after the ten-year agreement, the breakout time would significantly shorten. Additionally, Israeli's believe that Netanyahu's public campaign through interviews in American media and this is shown by the strong U.S. Congress opposition to the deal.
This set uses the same crucial words זמן פריצה -"breakout time", העשרה - "enrichment", and לפרוק כור - "to dismantle a reactor" that is used throughout other articles concerning the Iran deal. An interesting word also used in this article is חרף - "despite" which sometimes is hard to spot.
Click and Match
- to add
- להוסיף, מוסיף
- internal, domestic needs
- צרכי פנים
- to lower, lessen
- להפחית, מפחית
- despite the dispute
- חרף הוויכוח
- at the end of ten years
- בתום עשור
- a path
- מסלול
- to contradict
- להתנגש עם, מתנגש עם
- (here) the ability to break out (with a nuclear weapon)
- היכולת לפרוץ
- to produce results
- להניב תוצאות, מניב
- draft, outline
- מתווה