1/3 of Russians Cutting Back on Purchasing Medicine
Lesson Brief
Московский Комсомолец
Due to rising prices on medicine, 1/3 of surveyed Russians admitted to opting out of purchasing needed medicine in the past year. Due to Russia's economic decline and imposed hardships brought on by Western sanctions, it is becoming more and more difficult for Russians to find affordable options for taking care of their health.
Click and Match
- medication
- препарат
- to be crowned
- увенчиваться, увенчаться
- too expensive, not in one's price range
- не по карману
- first and foremost
- в первую очередь
- securing, ensuring
- обеспечение
- erosion, washout
- вымывание
- to save money, cut down expenses
- экономить, секономить
- insignificant
- незначительный
- outflow
- отток
- volume, amount
- объем