Winter in the Middle East

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Winter in the Middle East presents unique challenges and opportunities for a region not traditionally associated with snow, skiing, or dangerous weather conditions. For this course, you will prepare to read and watch Arabic media reporting on a number of items linked to winter in the Middle East, and in the process learn critical winter- and weather-related vocabulary that can be applied to everyday life as well as learn skiing and winter sports vocabulary. You’ll also prepare to read and watch Arabic media reporting on Winter Storm Norma in Lebanon, which hit last year and had a tremendous impact on Syrian refugees living in displaced persons camp in Lebanon. This will help you apply the winter vocabulary you’ve learned into another real-world context, bringing home how these weather conditions impact people’s lives. Examples of key vocabulary you will learn include: تلوح في الأفق – looming on the horizon; ذات الدفع الرباعي – four-wheel drive; منتجع تزلّج داخلي – indoor ski-resort; الأرصاد الجوية – weather forecasts; عاصفة ثلجية – snowstorm