Fighting for Equality: The View from Russia

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The eyes of the world have been on the United States in recent weeks as hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets to call for major reforms to the country’s policing practices, an end to systemic racism, and increased awareness of the challenges facing people of color living in the country. Not all foreign media outlets, however, are looking at the events with a sympathetic eye, choosing to brush over the reasons for the movement itself, and instead devoting an overwhelming amount of coverage to the spouts of violence, unrest, and looting which have accompanied the protest demonstrations in many American cities. In this course, we will take a look at an article and TV news report from Russia that both provide a glimpse into how the Russian mediasphere has choosing to portray the latest events gripping the United States. Some sample vocabulary from the course includes: гнев – outrage, anger; угнетение  – oppression; социальная справедливость – social justice; жестокость полиции – police brutality; разжигать ненависть – to incite hatred