This course is dedicated to the Black Lives Matter movement and the life of George Floyd. The lessons for this course will prepare you to read and watch Israeli media reporting on the Black Lives Matter movement and George Floyd’s death, which sparked nationwide protests calling for change. Lessons 1 – 3 will prepare you to read a Walla article reporting on the ongoing BLM protests and also covers the transition from the initial outburst of rage to peaceful protests. Lessons 4 and 5 will prepare you to watch an Israeli news analyst from כאן חדשות analyze the protests’ significance and also how George Floyd’s death was the spark that ignited a call for change. The video highlights the factors contributing to the protests, such as social inequalities and police brutality. The vocabulary for this course is focused on human rights, discrimination, and protest/demonstration terms. Some sample vocabulary from the course includes: הפגנות שלוות – peaceful demonstrations; לנתב את הזעם – to channel the anger; תנועת זכויות האזרח – civil rights movement; להביע סולידריות – to express solidarity; אני לא יכול לנשום – I cannot breathe