Yeltsin’ Friend, Putin’s Enemy: The Footprint Boris Nemtsov Left in Politics
Lesson Brief
Russian opposition leader, Boris Nemtsov, was killed in Moscow on February 27th. Nemtsov was shot and killed while walking near the Kremlin. It is still not known who was behind the murder, but it is suspected that the Kremlin was responsible. Boris Nemtsov first served under President Boris Yeltsin but was not chosen to succeed him. Nemtsov became more critical of Putin's Kremlin and a leader of the opposition against him.
Click and Match
- to proclaim, to declare
- провозглашать, провозгласить
- match, contest, competition
- состязание
- to expose, to unmask, to reveal
- разоблачать, разоплачить
- to get through, to penetrate
- пролезать, пролезть
- rank, grade
- ранг
- elected (m.)
- избран
- cross-bar, horizontal bar
- перекладина
- whole-scale, large-scale
- масштабный
- to take out, to pull out
- вытащить
- lighting, highlighting, illuminating
- освещение