Yazidis in Iraq Accused of Violent Acts of Revenge
Lesson Brief
Al Sharq Al Awsat
On February 11, Al Sharq Al Awsat reported that members of the Yazidi minority community in northwestern Iraq have undertaken acts of vengeance against the neighboring Iraqi Arab communities. The Yazidis are a minority sect / ethnic group that was brutally targeted by ISIS in the summer of 2014, actions widely regarded as an attempted genocide partly responsible for the US' military engagement in Iraq. The Yazidis have accused local Sunni Arab communities of siding with ISIS fighters, a charge they say was true in limited cases. The acts of vengeance have included targeted killings, lighting property on fire, and general pillaging. Some of the acts were reportedly undertaken by individuals wearing the military uniforms of the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, whom some have a accused of covering up the acts.
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- to receive threats
- تَلَقَّى ، يَتَلَقَّى تهديدات
- atrocities, terrible acts
- فظائع
- to hide (transitive)
- خَبَّأَ ، يُخَبِّئُ
- to ring out, to reverberate, to be heard
- دَوَى ، يَدْوي
- to burn (transitive)
- أَحْرَقَ ، يُحْرِقُ
- bloody
- دموي
- to steal, to plunder
- نَهَبَ ، يَنْهَبُ
- bullets
- طلقات رصاص
- hole, pit, ditch
- حفرة
- acts (operations) of vengence
- عمليات انتقامية