Women of the Wall
Lesson Brief
Women of the Wall
Women of the Wall (Neshot HaKotel) is an organization of Jewish women who are seeking the right to wear prayer shawls and read from the Torah at the Western Wall. On February 10, a Women of the Wall service amassed 100 people, a month after a deal was reached to expand the non-Orthodox section of the Western Wall complex.
Additional Vocabulary:
עַל מְנָת - in order to
בִּכלָל - in general
לָאַחֲרוֹנָה - recently
כקבוצה או כבודדות - as a group or individuals
כּוֹלֵל - including
בְּקָרוּב - soon
באופן מלא - fully, באופן חופשי - freely
בִּפְרָט - especially, particularly