Wimbledon: A Class of Its Own
Lesson Brief
BBC Russian
Of all the major tennis tournaments, Wimbledon has always been in a class of its own as far as expectations of fans, players, and media representatives are concerned. In today's article, a BBC journalist describes Wimbledon's unique standards of behavior, as well as the tighter security measures being taken this year to ensure a successful and safe tournament.
Click and Match
- realm of causality
- царство чинности
- handful, fistful
- горсть
- injury, maiming
- увечье
- selfie stick
- палка для селфи
- to replace, show up for one's shift
- прийти на смену
- first aid, first response
- первая помощь
- obstacle
- препятствие
- aid station, medical center
- медпункт
- behavior
- поведение
- cut, laceration
- порез