Why the Pope and Patriarch are Meeting
Lesson Brief
Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill are having a historic meeting in Havana, Cuba this weekend. It is the first time that the heads of the two churches have met since the great schism in the year 1054. YES, nearly 1,000 years!
Click and Match
- expectation, anticipation
- ожидание
- 100 years, century
- столетие
- observer, columnist
- обозреватель
- predecessor
- предшественник
- much, far (used with comparative)
- гораздо
- absence, lack of
- отсутствие
- ecumenical (effort to bring all types of christians together, adj.)
- вселенский
- to give (back/away), to hand over, to return
- отдавать, отдать
- preaching, sermon, discource
- проповедь
- believers who spread the word
- богословские