What Happens After Netanyahu Wins

Lesson Brief Ynet
On March 18th, Ynet reported on the next stages of forming the next Israeli government after Netanyahu's big win. Although Netanyahu managed to gain 29 parliamentary seats, a number which won't be officially published until next week, and Herzog's party only took 24 seats, Netanyahu must still successfully form a government with other parties. If he is unable to do so, President Rivlin presents the opportunity to form the coalition to the next party, although this opportunity does not include extended time outside the 28 allotted days. Eitherway, the Knesset must vote to pass the proposed government into reality. This set particularly gives a good overview of how the next government of Israel will be formed. One tricky phrase is "תיוצגנה" which uses the word יוצג - "to be represented". Interestingly, סיעות - "parties or factions" is used here instead of another synonym: מפלגות. סיעה is related to the Arabic word "Shia" which originally meant party, as in the party of Ali.
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