What Does the Future Hold for Turkey after the Failed Coup?
Lesson Brief
On Friday an attempted coup d'etat took place in Turkey, a key NATO member and strategic ally to the United States. While president Erdogan was on holiday, a faction of the military attempted to take power and depose the leader. In the end, the faction did not have enough pull to take and hold power and the coup failed. What's next for Turkey?
Click and Match
- burdened, weighed down by (adj.)
- отягощённый
- premise, background
- предпосылка
- separate, individual, different
- отдельный
- conspirator, plotter
- заговорщик
- secular
- светский
- tightening, worsening
- ужесточение
- conspiracy, plot
- заговор
- half-empty bucket
- полупустое ведро
- coup d'etat
- переворот
- splash, outburst, surge
- всплеск