What Does Donald Trump Think of Russia?
Lesson Brief
BBC Russian
In a move few saw coming, America elected Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States on Tuesday. Today's article explores what Trump has said during the lead-up to his victory in regards to Russian president Vladimir Putin.
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- mutual respect
- взаимное уважение
- like that, thereabouts
- в этом роде
- to imagine, envision
- воображать, вообразить
- to accuse someone of something
- обвинять, обвинить кого в чем
- stunning, terrific
- потрясающий
- benefit, advantage
- выгода
- to be nominated for something
- выдвигаться, выдвинуться на что
- to achieve
- добиваться, добиться
- election campaign
- предвыборная кампания
- intention
- намерение