West Bankers Call for Boycott of Israeli Goods
Lesson Brief
Al Hayat
On January 27, Al Hayat reported that hundreds of Palestinians demonstrated in several West Bank cities, protesting a recent Israeli decision to withhold hundreds of millions of dollars of tax revenue owed to the Palestinian Authority. The decision was made in early January after the Palestinian Authority became a member of the International Criminal Court. The protestors called for a boycott of Israeli goods and called on Palestinian businessmen to stop selling Israeli goods in Palestinian markets. The protestors also threatened to block West Bank roads to prevent settlers from moving about.
Click and Match
- customs
- جمارك
- to become fed up with
- ضاقَ ، يَضيقُ ذرعا به
- (here) rallying around, supporting
- التفاف حول
- this cannot go on
- هذا لا يجوز أن يستمر
- to gather, to form a crowd
- احْتَشَدَ ، يَحْتَشِدُ
- to deter from, to discourage from, to prevent
- ثَنَى ، يَثْني عن
- products
- منتوجات
- directing (sending) a message to the world
- توجيه رسالة إلى العالم
- freedom and independence
- الحرية والاستقلال
- blackmail, extortion
- ابتزاز