US Recovers From Major Snowstorm
Lesson Brief
BBC Arabic
A major snowstorm struck the eastern US on Friday, bringing with it record level snows and warnings from state authorities for people to remain in their homes. As of Saturday, 8 people had been killed because of the storm and six states had announced a state of emergency. Store shelves were emptied in the hours leading up to the storm as people rushed to obtain goods and other supplies in anticipation of the coming storm.
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- concerts
- حفلات موسيقية
- to influence / influence
- أَثَّرَ، يُؤَثِّر / تأثير
- actions, procedures
- الاجراءات
- the busiest networks
- الشبكات ازدحاما
- to cancel / cancelling
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- the flow of goods
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- height
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- snowfall rates
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- supermarkets
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